Gay pride week at disneyworld

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– Grizzly River Run in California Adventure: Meet in front of the giant bear statue for a ride down the rapids. – Gay Days Welcome Center at the Grand Californian – Gay Day at Disney’s California Adventure – “Home Economics” screening at the Grand Californian: Free screening of an episode “Home Economics,” a sitcom from ABC TV about the relationship between three adult siblings: one in the 1%, one middle-class, and one barely holding on. show is reserved for VIP Gold and VIP Silver ticket holders only). Guests can come for Jackie, for dancing, or both (9:00 p.m. – Jackie Cox in “JackieVision” at House of Blues Anaheim: The night starts with two showings of “RuPaul’s Drag Race ” Season 12 favorite, Jackie Cox, and her fabulous one-woman show, “JackieVision!” Then at 10:00 p.m, Jackie will cede the floor to DJ Kimberly S. Scheduled to appear are Danny Casillas (Reba Areba), Chris Pudlo (Pee-wee Herman), Daniele Gaither (Wendy Williams), Dante (Jack Nicholson), Rebekah Kochan (Paris Hilton), Felix Pire (Ricardo Montalban), and Maile Flanagan (Danny Bonaduce).

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